
Discover your Signature Strengths
Online Masterclass based on Gallup Strengths Finder Assessment

Tuesday, Nov 10th 6 - 9 pm GST

Early bird offer of $60 includes the Gallup Strengths Finder Assessment (worth $20)
samia hasan

Are you dumbstruck when someone asks you to tell them what you’re good at? Even after they give you a few minutes to think?

Can you possibly fathom not knowing what makes you unique in this day and age with so many self-discovery tools at your disposal?

Well, the good news is that it’s never too late!

Join me to discover your signature strengths that energize you, make you feel authentic and enable you to deliver your finest performance.

If you attended my “Find your WHY” masterclass, you unlocked the winning “purpose” formula, G+P+V=C. The sweet spot where your G (gifts), P (passions) and V (values) come together to form your C (calling).

I have been inundated with requests to deep dive into gifts. This masterclass will do just that.

Learn about your unique strengths that make you who you are. Because, who are we kidding, when has one size ever fit everyone out there?

I am Samia Hasan and I have more than 14 years of coaching and business management experience, a decade of which was with Procter & Gamble. With more than 500 hours of strengths based ICF and Gallup certified coaching expertise, I take pride in empowering you to achieve what you’re capable of.

I’ve been living my life true to my purpose, playing fully to my strengths and it is my mission to enable you to do the same.


• Gallup’s research suggests the chances that we can find someone with the same strengths that we have, in the same order we have them, is one in 33 million.

• This is how incredibly unique each one of us is and I’ve found just the right way to uncover these for you, enabling you to find your purpose and define the career that is the right fit for you.

• When people leverage their strengths successfully, they deliver 43% higher productivity, 33-50% higher financial return and are 83% more likely to be part of a high performing team.

samia hasan

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In these explosive three hours filled with insight, practice, participation and community vibes, you will walk away with:

• Discovering your top 5 strengths based on Gallup Strengths Finder assessment
• Mapping where you stand on the 4 domains of strategy, execution, relationship and influence
• Delving deeper into the contributions and needs of your strengths (yes, our strengths are also in need!)
• Uncovering blind spots getting in the way that you might be oblivious to
• Addressing your toxic triggers (unhappy strengths in other words) and learning how to self-regulate
• Evaluating alignment of your strengths by understanding underuse and overuse patterns
• Putting your strengths to work in various environments and situations
• Huge boost in confidence that comes from a greater appreciation of how valuable you are
• Improved people skills, including more patience and empathy for the people you work with

And hey! Don't just take my word for it!
Have a look at all this buzz after my last masterclass..

What People Say..

For all this action to materialize effectively, I’ve had to make a tough call of restricting participants to this masterclass so I can offer individualized attention to each one of you.

Good news is you can act NOW to reserve your spot at an early bird price of $60 (which, by the way, includes the $20 Gallup Top 5 strengths finder test results). This is the real deal, you guys!

Tuesday, Nov 10th - 6.00 p.m. GST
Register now. Limited seats only!

Early bird offer of $60 includes the Gallup Strengths Finder top 5 assessment (valued at $20). Valid until Nov 4th

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