
Networking Video Series: Cracking the Why-Who-What-Where-How

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September 4, 2018
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October 8, 2018

Networking Video Series: Cracking the Why-Who-What-Where-How

Did I hear daunting? Yes, networking seems to have that effect on most people. But it doesn’t have to. If you’re clear on the Why, Who, Where, What and How – you can crack this seemingly overwhelming but exceedingly important skill. After all, there are no unlearnable skills out there. We covered everything there is to know about networking in this 3 part video series.

The first part talks about Who and Where

In the second part of the video series, we covered the most important step of the networking journey – the hook. This is your foot in the door. If you don’t get this right, then all the time spent in identifying the right prospect and locating them goes to waste.

We concluded our video series with the Elevator Pitch, bringing our networking tips full circle as we learnt who to target, where to find them, how to go about it with a relevant and relatable hook and finally what to say and how to pitch to them. Cant stress enough on the fact that these relationships need to be cultivated and kept warm for them to grow into something meaningful. Happy networking 🙂


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